Ruby程序员培训课程课程内容: • CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF RUBY 1.What is Ruby? 2.Ruby History 3.The Ruby Interactive Shell 4.Language Components 5.Numbers 6.Simple Input and Output 7.Strings 8.The Class Class 9.Comments 10.Loops 11.Arrays 12.Hashes 13.Iterators with Arrays and Hashes 14.Decision Making 15.Regular Expressions 16.The case Construct 17.Functions 18.Object Orientation in Ruby 19.Command Line Arguments 20.Symbols 21.Using Hashes as Function Arguments 22.Odds and Ends • CHAPTER 2: CLASSES 1.Defining a New Class 2.Class Creation 3.Using Objects 4.Defining Operator Methods 5.Inheritance 6.self 7.Access Levels - public 8.Access Levels - private 9.Access Levels - protected 10.Access Levels - Specification 11.Class Data and Class Methods 12.Variables and Scope 13.Special Global Variables 14.Documentation 15.Built-in Classes • CHAPTER 3: INPUT AND OUTPUT 1.I/O 2.Reading from the Standard Input 3.Writing to the Standard Output 4.Reading and Writing Disk Files 5.Reading Files Using Iterators 6.Capturing Data About Files 7.Processing Directories • CHAPTER 4: EXCEPTIONS 1.Introduction 2.Exceptions 3.Handling Exceptions 4.Multiple Rescue Clauses 5.Exceptions Are Classes 6.ensure 7.retry 8.raise 9.Creating Your Own Exceptions 10.catch and throw • CHAPTER 5: MODULES 1.Introduction 2.Disambiguation of Libraries 3.Modules 4.Mixins 5.Using the Comparable Module 6.yield 7.Using the Enumerable Module 8.Proc Objects 9.Closures 10.File Organization • CHAPTER 6: STRINGS 1.Review 2.Strings Are References 3.The Selection Operator, [ ] 4.Index Methods 5.Numerical Methods 6.squeeze 7.dump 8.concat 9.The upto Method 10.Substituting 11.Processing a Line at a Time • CHAPTER 7: APPLICATIONS AREAS 1.An Introduction to CGI 2.An HTML Front-End 3.HTML Rendering 4.Contacting the Server 5.Server Issues 6.The CGI Program 7.CGI Output 8.Reading Files 9.Exercises • CHAPTER 8: GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACES 1.Event Driven Programming 2.The Button Widget 3.More Widgets 4.TkEntry 5.TkRadioButton 6.TkCheckButton 7.TkText 8.A Calculator Example • CHAPTER 9: RAILS 1.What is Rails? 2.Using Gem 3.Starting With Rails 4.Model View Controller 5.URL Requests in Rails 6.Embedded Ruby 7.Linking Pages Together 8.Kick Starting a Rails App 9.Summary 如果您想学习本课程,请预约报名
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